
朱甦天 Sutian Zhu

长老 Elder

You live for this stuff. This is a great place to tell them about it. (In a few sentences. nothing too crazy.) Maybe about this long, or perhaps a little longer. Like this for maybe this. Yeah that's pretty good right about...here.

简介 Bio

朱甦天 长老,来自中国合肥,1997年受洗,1996年加入迦南教会,与妻子张德英育有两个儿子。
Elder Sutian Zhu  comes from Hefei, China. he got baptized in 1997, joined Irvine Canaan church in 1996, He is married to Deying Zhang and they have two sons.

最喜欢的经文 Favorite Scripture

“ 殷勤不可懒惰;要心里火热,常常服侍主。” —— 罗马书 12:11

“ Not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;“ -- Romans 12:11

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